Get rid of unconscious psychological blocks to move forward
Why systemic constellation work?
You may have noticed, that some issues in life resist, no matter how much work you’ve put in to bring change. How do you know? Because they keep on showing up, even though you believe you have perfectly analysed and understood their cause. This may especially be true when the focus of the work has been on talking and reflecting.
That’s when we observe that sometimes, traditional, more rational methods fall short. A systemic constellation can bring refreshing insights.
“Through constellation, the soul receives a nudge in the right direction, setting it in motion.”
Bert Hellinger
Want to unveil the unconscious blockage that has been preventing you from moving on? Keep on reading.
A visual and embodied experience of the invisible
- with the power to bring intense presence to what is
- to tap into personal truths that before remained unconscious
- to gain insight in your relationship dynamics
- aiming at reprogramming old patterns
- ideal for questions where you feel stuck again and again
How it works
Einstein & systemic
Like Einstein said, everything is energy. In a systemic approach, we seek to make sense of the world through relationships, rather than seeing people and situations as stand alone elements. When we combine Einstein’s scientific truth with a systemic approach, this brings us to the practice of systemic constellation.
In practice, we actually use the energy field and rely on a deeper level of consciousness in order to locate difficult or painful entanglements in the system. By bringing movement into this field (the “constellation”) and physically and intentionally changing positions in the constellation, we allow ourselves to evolve towards a new harmonic balance.
External vs. internal
Now, what does it do for you? First of all, through this process of symbolic (archetypal) representation you will be able to externalise your reality in the way it is perceived internally. This alone can bring huge clarity into a situation. But we can take it one step further and work towards recovery and connection, allowing for love to flow again. In fact, a re-coding of the inner system into the memory field takes place.
Holistic & intuitive
Body, mind and heart are engaged, while using sensory perception and free movement. Therefore, the healing that takes place goes far beyond an intellectual insight. It is a holistic experience that can draw on various sources for resources and solutions. It most often leads to profound awareness shifts. Follow-up with a regular coaching session is optional.
Area’s for Individual Systemic Coaching
Individual family constellation
Explore the relational dynamics within your family and what your place is in the middle of all that.
Gaining deep awareness in how you experience your family setup can be a game changer for your personal empowerment and the evolution of the relationships.
“The constellation was a very intense experience in the moment. The whole process helped me by installing a certain peace towards my mother. Today I feel less triggered, and I can now feel OK + be with the way she is. This makes makes me feel a lot safer within myself.”
Marie (45)
Individual relationship constellation
Shed light upon the polarities and shadows playing out in the relationship dynamic between yourself and your partner / a person close to you.
The direct experience of a mirror on the level of energy, emotions, perception and communication, can blow a fresh wind into what felt stuck before.
“Last night I was finally able to talk to Barbara. Apparently thanks to you. Strongly appreciated!”
Peter (43)
Entrepreneur & husband
Individual energy flow constellation
Dive into what no longer serves you or on the contrary what it is you want to invite into your life : in the field of money, creativity, professional questions, pain & anxieties, finding your place etc.
Identifying the specific issue, clearing the road in your subconscious mindset and re-aligning with your higher self may set you back on track.
“I was surprised of the kind of internal obstacles I met and how powerful it was to externalize them. Going into the process shifted the whole perception of my possibilities and capabilities.”
Celine (45)
Family constellation in group setting
Reveal patterns that run over many generations within the family system and develop awareness over your own strengths and resources.
In this constellation we work with real persons as representatives who embody your family members.
Unlike in the traditional coaching technique whereby the coach will draw information and awareness out of the coachee through powerful and impactful questions, in Individual Systemic Coaching there will be less talking. The questioning method will be used initially, to develop a clear coaching question. Subsequently, we will use different capacities of the body and psyche in order to access the subconscious and to process information.
When a specific issue is bothering you, and you want quick profound insights into this issue. It is a powerful one-shot method for who wants maximum results without doing a complete coaching trajectory. And… apart from its effectiveness, for many clients it also is a rather fun and interesting, mysterious experience!
Normally, a session takes 1 hour and takes place at Celine’s consultation address. Other options can be discussed.
Don’t worry, you’re not the only one. As a matter of fact, the less your mind understands, the more effectively it will work on you! Do the test for yourself!